Marketing People



Welcome to Marketing People, the podcast where we talk to marketing people about how they market to people.


  • Build Your Employer Brand with James Ellis (Ep. 12)

    17/02/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    When you're growing your business, attracting high quality talent is mission-critical. James Ellis is an employer branding expert, and he helps companies compete for top talent. Listen as we explore every aspect of employer branding and the strategies your business can use to hire better, faster and smarter. Enjoy! Connect with James Ellis: (website) (podcast) @thewarfortalent (twitter)

  • You're Brainstorming Wrong – Loran Nordgren of Kellogg School of Management (Ep. 11)

    10/01/2019 Duration: 43min

    If you've ever felt trapped in an unproductive brainstorm meeting, this episode is for you. Loran Nordgren is an associate professor at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management, and he has a lot to say about the many pitfalls of traditional brainstorming methods. He's even designed a web app to help solve the problem. It's called Candor, and it's completely changed how we brainstorm at Walker Sands. Listen to our conversation to learn tips for generating better ideas more efficiently in 2019. To give Candor a try at your own organization, visit (It's completely free to use.)

  • Joe Pulizzi Explains How to Turn Marketing Cost into Profit (Ep. 10)

    19/10/2018 Duration: 51min

    Subscribe on iTunes: This episode of Marketing People is a live recording of the 2018 Walker Sands Just a Book event. This year’s installment featured Joe Pulizzi, co-author (with Robert Rose) of the book “Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses are Turning Marketing Cost into Profit.” Joe is the founder of Content Marketing Institute, which hosts the uber-popular Content Marketing World in Cleveland each year. He recently sold CMI and is now focused on his family life and philanthropy. Joe sat down with Walker Sands VP of Marketing Courtney Beasley to talk about “Killing Marketing” and the opportunities that await marketers who can make meaningful connections with their audiences. Please enjoy Joe Pulizzi in conversation with Courtney Beasley at the American Writers Museum in Chicago!